CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD - Brand New Compatible Replacement Battery Kit
- In Stock and Ready for Immediate Shipment
- Instructions Included
Street Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $21.99
Shipping Weight: 7lb
Our UPS Batteries Are:
- Brand New, Factory Fresh
- High Performance
- Built for Reliability
- Leading Technology
- Performance Guaranteed
- In-Stock and Ready for Immediate Shipment
Our Brand New CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Compatible UPS Replacement Battery Cartridges incorporate a synergistic blend of materials and special design features that provide Superior Performance, Durability and Reliability for demanding High Rate and long duration discharge applications.
This UPS Replacement Battery Cartridge Consists(1) Brand New High Rate Discharge 12V9A SLA Battery.
All RefurbUPS.com CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Battery Replacement Kits are...
- Brand New, Factory Fresh Batteries
- In-Stock and Ready for Immediate Shipment
- Built for Performance and Reliability
- Include Comprehensive UPS Battery Replacement Installation Instructions
Buy With Confidence; Get Peace of Mind!
RefurbUPS premium grade CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Compatible UPS replacement battery cartridges breathe new life into your battery applications suffering from expired or weak internal batteries. Proactive battery replacement is the best way to extend your return on your UPS investment. UPS batteries do vary from one manufacturer to another. Through our longstanding partnerships and volume purchasing relationships, we are able to offer you the industry's "Best Value" for new UPS replacement battery solutions. Our New Premium UPS Grade replacement battery offerings ensure the highest degree of performance and reliability in UPS applications. Our Difference is Focus, Experience and UPS Battery Replacement ExpertiseWe provide the Best Value for Market Leading New UPS Replacement Battery solutions RefurbUPS is the nation's most trusted source for power protection solutions. We supply more than 10,000 customers nation-wide including today's leading corporations, retailers, government, educational institutions and more. Fast Same Day Shipping, Large Inventory We can ship your order immediately - no backorders or delays. Our secure online fulfillment system ensures that your order will be shipped quickly and efficiently, using our specially designed packaging to ensure safe shipment and customer satisfaction. You can place, track and manage your account online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Standard shipping times depend on location; we ship out of our facility in New York state, so time to the NY Tristate area is typically 1 day, and may be as long as 6 days to the Pacific Northwest. If you require expedited shipping please call us for special shipping needs, at an additional fee.
Our Brand New CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Compatible UPS Replacement Battery Cartridges incorporate a synergistic blend of materials and special design features that provide Superior Performance, Durability and Reliability for demanding High Rate and long duration discharge applications. This UPS Replacement Battery Cartridge Consists(1) Brand New High Rate Discharge 12V9A SLA Battery. CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Replacement Battery Cartridge Specifications | Quantity Per Kit | 1 | Voltage (Individual Battery) | 12 | Amp Rating (Individual Battery) | 9 | Kit is Hot-Swappable? | Yes | CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Replacement Battery Cartridge Dimensions and Weight (Per Individual Battery) | Terminal Size | T2 (.25") | Height | 3.84 inches | Length | 5.95 inches | Width | 2.56 inches | Weight | 7 lbs. |
To Determine Your CyberPower UPS Model Number Locate your device's white serial sticker.
Note: Serial sticker placement varies and can be located on the front, back, side or bottom of your UPS.
The sticker will look like the following:
Brand New Replacement Battery Cartridge designed for CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD
Brand New Factory Fresh CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD Compatible UPS Replacement Cartridge
RefurbUPS.com offers an Industry Leading 1 year Advanced Replacement warranty on New UPS Replacement Battery Cartridges.
Service and Support - 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
We provide the most extensive online "How To" UPS Battery Replacement Videos, FAQ's and KnowledgeBase to help with support questions and issues. There you can also find UPS manuals and more to help solve any issues you might have. Feel free to call us at (866) 883-9200, send us an email, or use our live chat service.
Customer Focus and Personal Service
We know you have choices, so we focus all of our processes on our valued customers. The better we understand the pressures our customers face, the better we can serve their needs. The RefurbUPS Sales, Customer Service and Support teams will go the extra mile to earn your trust and your business. We sincerely thank you for the opportunity to be your chosen partner.